Tim Sherwood

Ex-Spurs midfielder Tim Sherwood needs to be told to shut up. I’ve noticed in an online edition of The Sun newspaper that he’s trying to put pressure on manager Martin Jol to produce, he’s also saying how much we’ll miss Ledley King at the start of the season. Of course, he is stating the obvious, by why are a national newspaper printing this ‘exclusive’ drivel?

We’ve had a good pre-season with no losses, and we’ve made some very good signings, with hopefully still more to come. However, with a ball yet to be kicked, it would really be great if people like Tim Sherwood would keep quiet, as it’s quite clear he’s got nothing interesting to say.

I wouldn’t mind, but I wish they’d interview someone whose opinions we’d be interested in hearing, someone who is Spurs through and through. Not someone who was only at White Hart Lane for four years and didn’t really accomplish anything of note!

1 Comment

  1. Hear Bloody hear. Just registered on this site to say the same thing. Shut it Sherwood! Even if he was a Spurs supporter (which I very much doubt- didn’t he fall out with Hoddle?) then all he’s achieveing is to undermine the team and players. Have faith in Kaboul- he’s a class player- and in Martin We Trust.

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